To enhance your laboratory experience through individualized logistical support by leveraging my 38 years experience managing academic instrument laboratories and research expedition planning worldwide. How can I help you?
My experience in scientific academia is a unique combination of hands-on and managerial experience with many types of instruments and all levels of students from secondary to Ph.D. I am internationally recognized for my contributions to standard development and calibration and the improvement of isotope ratio mass spectrometers (Ostermann and Curry, 2000). I know the ThermoScientific equipment specialists and engineers from three continents and have collaborated with NU Instruments, UK. Each of the 3 world-class laboratories I designed and managed had substantial analytical capabilities and challenging design, budgetary, procurement, regulatory and occupational health and safety (OHS) constraints. As a licensed OHS professional, with additional training in Risk Management Implementation, I can oversee the design and construction of laboratories to meet the most stringent OSH requirements. My skill set includes extensive teaching, mentoring and international expedition logistics to now include multiple management roles in building design and construction.